Ceramic Studio & Classes

Tips on Registering

Check the class schedule on the class page for upcoming sessions to see new and existing classes.

You can create an account on the site through the 'SIGN IN' button on the upper right. Adding your payment method prior to registration opening will help make signup go faster.

Evening and weekend classes sell out extremely quickly. Login to register right at 12pm.

If you are trying to book a class with a friend, we recommend one person buying both spots at once instead of trying to book separately.

If you did not get into the class you want, you can add yourself to the waitlist on the class page once the class is sold out. If you get an email that a spot has been opened, and you are already registered for another class, you can grab that spot and we will refund you for the other class.

Names on the waitlist reset each session and don’t carry over, so you will need to sign yourself back up to the waitlist for that class day/time.

If it's 12:05 and it says it's sold out, please don't email us and ask us if our website is broken.

We are unable to pre-register students. Classes are posted on a first-come basis each session so everyone has a fair shot at getting into the class of their choice.